Till Death Do Us Part

Till death do us part from the sound
of over-filled rotating dryer drums
the last clean glass shattering inside the dishwasher

Till death do us part from the sock drawer whose mouth
is always slightly drooping open, forgetting about
the rain-soaked Amazon packages on the stone steps

Till death do us part from the timeline-placed ads
for VPNs, HelloFresh, and countless other monthly subscriptions,
the game glitches and the seemingly endless loading screen

Till death do us part do we wait
for our own loading screen to finish


Poetry by Morgan Boyer



Morgan Boyer is the author of The Serotonin Cradle (Finishing Line Press, 2018) and a graduate of Carlow University. Boyer has been published in Kallisto Gaia Press, Thirty West Publishing House, Oyez Review, and Rune.