In the Late Hour

Look, everything is moving so
quickly, it seems still—
In a short time, this
will be a long time ago.
Vast cities and whole
deserts are vanishing
without an echo.
Lifetimes pass
in the split-second before we wake.
Too late was
yesterday—right now
is gone into
dim memory, swifter
than a welder’s spark.
it’s already happened,

you and I
are lost
to another age.


Poetry by Alexander Etheridge



Alexander Etheridge has been developing his poems and translations since 1998. His poems have been featured in The Potomac Review, Museum of Americana, Ink Sac, Welter Journal, The Cafe Review, The Madrigal, Abridged Magazine, Susurrus Magazine, The Journal, Roi Faineant Press, and many others. He was the winner of the Struck Match Poetry Prize in 1999, and a finalist for the Kingdoms in the Wild Poetry Prize in 2022. He is the author of, God Said Fire, and, Snowfire and Home.


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